Why does it always feel that no matter how many times you redo your pantry, purge your closets, or clean your kitchen drawers

...you still feel overwhelmed in your own house?

Does any of this sound familiar?

  • You feel stressed as soon as you step in the door

  • People’s shoes are scattered about different rooms… again!

  • That dreaded drawer keeps stacking high with random mail, notepads, and pens..

  • Some weeks the house seems clean and tidy—and then it all goes right back to the mess

  • …and it seems like everyone in the house is living by a different system!

Are you ready to end the clutter and get organized for good?

If you want MORE time and energy for your personal goals, hobbies, and friends (because you’re spending less time cleaning up the shoes, the pantry, the kitchen, the closet)... THEN THE GRACEFULLY ORGANIZED COURSE AND CEO PROCESS IS PERFECT FOR YOU.

Home Organization With a ‘Stay Organized Forever’ Strategy

True, sustainable organization focuses on WHO you are as a person and HOW you want to live in your home.

The Gracefully Organized program is a straightforward and effective guide, providing the exact process, systems and solutions you need to maximize your space and make it work for your family. Co-founders Christina Lee and Rebecka Jodeit help you organize your home with ease—once and for all.

What do you get with a Gracefully Organized Course?

In the online program, we’ll utilize video tutorials and beautifully designed, printable workbooks, to address the root causes of organizational chaos in your home. Together, we’ll break the patterns that are keeping your family stuck and establish new rhythms and routines to support your work.
Gracefully Organized Tools


An all encompassing guide to the most successful mindsets.

Each course begins with Organizing 101. You will receive the workbook and ‘Before You Begin’ Video guide you through the steps to organize ANY space in your home. We explain the tools we as professional organizers use on every job. Organizing 101 provides foundational strategies that can be applied to organizing any space in your home along with ​​key tactical steps, ​printable journal sheets, ​answers to frequently asked organizing questions and ​an overview of our proprietary "CEO Process".

Beautiful Detailed Workbooks

Mindset, goal-setting, techniques, habits, tactics, and strategies to gracefully organize your home FOR GOOD!

With Gracefully Organized, we give you step-by-step, online training modules (with accompanying workbooks) that explain our 'CEO Process' for all the important spaces for your home.


Kind Words from Previous Clients

"I can’t tell you or thank you enough for what this virtual course has done for me so far. Reduced anxiety, provided a game plan, and perfect to tackle these things during quarantine. "


"An easy step-by-step that can be applied for anywhere in the house. I am adding layers to the knowledge that I already have through the method you provide."


“finally channeling my inner Martha. I love the videos and the expiration game, our milk is boxed in the Philippines so we have milk that won’t expire until 2021!!”

Jennifer Tan-Chi

”One of the things I love about this course is that you're teaching me about the WHY behind your organizational methods. It’s motivated me through the process, especially investing in product, so I’m not wading through the clutter again this time next year”


“Your videos and approach are refreshingly practical and spoke to how we live our life in reality - not an idealized version of it. The shopping guides, photos and worksheets are great features that will help anyone move from inspiration to action!”


MAY 20, 2020

“You guys have transformed our kitchen, closets and nursery into functional spaces tailored to our lifestyle. These courses have empowered us to adapt the system for our evolving family - particularly shifting from a newborn phase to an active toddler with ever changing needs”


JUNE 24, 2020

“I just started this course in preparation for a move this summer. It’s so helpful to know that you don’t buy bins until you have edited (thrown out or donated), categorized and figured out space allowances.”

KAREN CARR aren Carr

Hear What Our Clients Have to Say

"It's been over a YEAR now... and the system is still in place. I can't recommend their methods enough."

"The time I saved by using the Graceful Spaces methods... I now spend with my family!”